Check out the Royal Wrestlers!

Marisol and her coach are all smiles! (Photo provided by: Marisol Reza)

Anna Jordan, Assistant Editor-In-Chief

I love many things about Rosary, but its wide catalog of clubs and teams has to be one of my favorite parts of being a Royal. If someone is interested in something, they’re near guaranteed to find a group of young women that not only share their interest but that also act as a support system.

This trademark characteristic of Rosary is no exception when it comes to wrestling: Marisol Reza ’25 is now in her second year of running Rosary’s first-ever wrestling team. As someone whose wrestling knowledge can be summed up by the few scenes of middle school wrestling in the first “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” movie, I would personally love to hear more from Marisol about the details of the wrestling team and how interested Royals can learn more.

Let’s dive into the world of wrestling at Rosary Academy!

  • Where does your interest in wrestling come from? Why wrestling?

While growing up, I played soccer, softball, basketball, danced, snow-skied, and surfed. My mom and dad got me and my brother started in judo when I was five and he was six. I competed at judo tournaments as a kid: being a judoka started my interest and prepared me to wrestle. I am currently working on my green belt in judo.

I started training with “Team Credo” at Servite when I was in fifth grade along with my brother when he started competing. He is now a senior and a captain of the Servite wrestling team. So I grew up watching Olympic, World, NCAA, high school, and youth wrestling competitions with my family.

Wrestling is a great way to get in the best shape of your life. It challenges you mentally and physically. I want to challenge myself to be my best and to learn to love training hard and live a healthy lifestyle.

  • Has it been difficult being in a predominantly male sport? In what ways?

Women’s wrestling is the fastest-growing sport in the United States right now. We are blessed that Coach Tice and Rosary’s administration hired two-time CIF champion Coach Nadia Escamilla and are allowing us to compete as a CIF sport for the first time this year.

Team California’s girls’ wrestling teams have historically been the top in the nation, so it is very competitive here. Additionally, Team USA Women’s Wrestling Team has also been the best in the world, right behind Team Japan. Tamyra Mensah-Stock was a gold medalist for Team USA at the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games and was one of the entire event’s biggest stars. This type of success, positive publicity, and positive role models are helping grow women’s wrestling.

  • What is your advice for girls interested in wrestling?

Some advice I have for girls that are interested is that this sport is challenging and requires a big commitment. You will grow mentally and physically through these challenges and one of the payoffs will be getting your hand raised after winning a match.

We currently have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of the inaugural season of Rosary Academy wrestling— an honor that nobody can take away from us! Also as the fastest-growing sport, there are a lot of opportunities to get a full-ride college scholarship. Lots of universities are starting new women’s wrestling programs every year.

Coach Nadia wrestled in college on a scholarship! She trained her sister as well, who is a national champion and is currently on a full-ride scholarship, out of state. It comes down to this: the harder you work, the luckier and more successful you will be, just like in life.

  • What do you find fun or exciting about wrestling?

Wrestling is the oldest sport in the world— it is also one of the most physically challenging. It is also the only sport that is mentioned in the Bible, as Jacob wrestled with God in the book of Genesis. All of this is exciting, but being part of this inaugural season at Rosary is the most exciting. I will be especially excited for those that will come after us and make it to the CIF California state championships, or the next level in college, or perhaps even win a world or Olympic championship like Tamyra Mensah-Stock.

  • When do meetings start? Where can people find info to join?
Check out wrestling! You won’t regret it! (Photo by: Anna Jordan)

Coach Nadia started us with weight training and conditioning workouts during the late summer. We currently weight train four days a week in the Strength and Conditioning room before school. Wrestling is a winter CIF sport, so we are just starting on the mat after school. If you are interested and would like to learn more about wrestling, you can stop by or email me at [email protected] or Coach Nadia at [email protected].

I certainly think that wrestling sounds worthwhile, especially since you grow so much mentally and physically; however, I have the athleticism of a sloth and therefore don’t have much to offer to the team. But maybe you do: if so, check out Royal Wrestling. Good luck to Marisol and the wrestling team in their inaugural year!