Servite Fashion Show sneak peek
(Photo Credit: Emma Oskorus ’23)
Here are four out of the eight Rosary girls walking the runway in the fashion show. Cadiz Salazar ’23 (on the left), Emma Oskorus (second left), Reagan Beuerlein ’23 (second right), and Victoria Gomez ’23 (on the right).
September 2, 2022
This Monday, August 29, was the very first rehearsal for the annual Servite fashion show. There are nine Rosary models and nine Servite models in the show. The main focus is to showcase the Servite boys’ moms and their hard work t. The main coordinator of the show, Mrs. Meneses, mom of Katie Meneses ‘24, has dedicated so much time and effort into making sure everything runs smoothly. Two other very important people who are teaching all the models how to walk down the runway, piece together each outfit, and make sure each and every model looks fabulous are James and Ray. James works with all the boys to create choreography for the boys to perform for the actual show. Ray works with all the girls to perfect their walk while on the runway. Continue reading to hear information from both the Rosary and Servite models, as well as Mrs. Meneses, about how the first rehearsal went.
On the very first day of rehearsal, James and Ray emphasized the most important role for modeling on a runway—the walk. So of course, because the walk is so important, we immediately learned how to walk properly down a runway. Cadiz Salazar ‘23 shared, “At first I was a little nervous and intimidated by everything, but once we actually started practicing, it was easy to build confidence. I am very excited for what is in store for the rest of rehearsals and the final show in October.”
Tori Gomez ‘23 also shared her opinion on how she feels about being selected for the fashion show: “It is so much fun to finally be on the stage rather than being backstage and working behind the scenes of something. I am also super excited to get closer with our Servite peers and the rest of the Rosary girls as well.”
Because this is Servite’s greatest tradition, Mrs. Meneses, has been doing her absolute best to keep everything intact. She has been volunteering for the fashion show for about ten years, and she had the privilege of modeling with her son back in 2020. Mrs. Meneses states, “I have always loved working in the Servite fashion show. It is such a big tradition, if not the biggest tradition, in the school. The time and dedication put into the show is so worth it in the end because the Rosary girls, Servite boys, and the moms look fabulous on stage.”
Since the friars are a huge part of the Servite Fashion Show, let’s see how they feel about walking down a runway, with lights shining on them, dancing and posing with makeup on. I asked four of the models about their thoughts being on the show.
Cole O’Hara ‘23 says, “Honestly I’ve wanted to be in it from the start, but I thought there were only going to be three practices so that was kind of a shock. Once I started practicing I found it a lot more fun than expected, especially since I am with my fellow brothers.”
Hudson Hamar ‘23 put in his input and states, “The fashion show is super interesting to be a part of. It’s definitely not necessarily my “thing,” but I’m excited to give it a try even if I may look silly!”
Another friar, Jack Boschetti ‘23 says, “It was super fun, I love the group of people that are in the fashion show and I can’t wait to see how it all turns out. I’m excited to be able to do all this along with my mom! The first practice was very fun and I can’t wait for the rest of them.” I also asked him what his thoughts and feelings were regarding the fact that have to wear makeup. He said, “I don’t want it to make me look all sparkly.”
Lastly, Nick Rossetti ‘23 shared, “I am mostly doing the fashion show for my mom because I know how much she would enjoy it. My first practice was good, and it was a lot of fun dancing with my friends. I think the fashion show will be a fun experience, but I am praying that I don’t look like a girl when they put makeup on me.”
Stay tuned for once the fashion show is complete to hear how all the models feel after the ultimate runway experience.