Introducing: Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim strikes a pose in front of ethereal scenery.
September 1, 2022
As the new school year is in action, many fresh faces can be seen walking the halls of Rosary.
Among these new faces is Rosary Religion Teacher Mr. Kim.
I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Kim and get know more about his life inside and outside of Rosary.
Q: What subject do you teach, and what grades do you teach?
A: I teach Religion, and I teach sophomores and juniors.
Q: Where were you born/raised?
A: I was born and raised in Carson, CA up until 4th grade. After this, I moved to Buena Park. I graduated from Sunny Hills High School in 20…
Q: What is your favorite book or movie?
A: One of my favorite books is “Pachinko” by Min Jin Lee. It’s a novel based on true historical events that follow a family’s life in Korea and their experiences in Japan from 1910-1980s. This book impacted me in multiple ways but mainly by teaching me about my cultural roots and the tribulations Koreans had to endure during this time.

Q: What is your favorite color and why?
A: I like all shades of blue because it brings me a sense of calm and peace when I look at it.
Q: What drew you to Rosary (becoming a teacher here)?
A: I’ve spent all five years of my teaching career at one school and although it was a great experience, I felt myself becoming stagnant in life. I wanted to be in a new environment to learn and grow as a teacher. Also, the closer commute is very nice.
Q: What has been your favorite part about teaching at Rosary?
A: The students. This is my first experience teaching at an all-girls school and so far, it has been a pleasant surprise. I noticed that the young ladies here are more confident in themselves and their abilities compared to the young women I have taught at my previous school (which is Co-ed). After just a week of being here, I’m strongly considering sending my future daughter(s) (if God blesses me with daughters) to an all-girls Catholic school (but of course, it’s only been one week…so we’ll see how the rest of the year goes).
Q: Outside of Rosary, what hobbies do you enjoy doing?
A: Although I’m not the most athletic and skilled, I love to play basketball and watch basketball. Purple and gold all day, every day! I play the guitar and sing for my church and for other Korean-Catholic events for the youth. I LOVE FOOD. I love researching new foods and restaurants to go to and experiencing culinary glimpses of heaven. I love to travel when I have the time and funds to do so. Being able to encounter new cultures, people, architecture, natural wonders, and FOOD is always a good time and provides opportunities to expand my mind. I also love to be with the people I love. The greatest moments of my life have been being present with the people I love and serve.
The Rosary community gives a warm welcome to Mr. Kim and is happy to have him as a new member of our ever-growing family!