Introducing: Ms. Rios

Ms. Rios snaps a quick picture between classes. (Picture provided by: Ms. Rios)

Julianna Ortiz, Staff Writer

Every year the Rosary Staff gains so many new teachers, and I had the pleasure of interviewing our newest addition to the math department, Ms. Rios.

Q: What made you want to be a teacher?

A: I am the second of six children. Therefore, I took the initiative to teach my younger siblings fundamentals before entering school. I learned at a young age I have a love for teaching.

Q: What brought you to Rosary?

A: Rosary’s environment brought me here. Rosary is surrounded by an intelligent, resilient and inspiring community.

Q: Where did you go to college and what was your major?

A: I attended Santa Ana College, earned an associates in math and science. Additionally, I earned a bachelors of science in Mathematics at California State University of Long Beach. Go, Beach!

Q: What makes math fun to you?

A: I love the beauty of mathematics. You are learning a language, that is taught world wide. However, what makes it fun is the difficulty. I enjoy a good challenge.

Q: What is your favorite subject of math to teach?

A: Wow, that’s a difficult question. I love math but if I had to choose, it would be Algebra 2. It’s a fun class to teach.

Here’s Ms. Rios striking a pose in her old classroom. (Picture Provided by: Ms. Rios.)

Q: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

A: My favorite thing to do in my free time is lifting weights and training in Mahi Thai. They give me peace and mental clarity.

Q: What is your favorite movie? TV show?

A: My favorite movie would be Selena, she is my idol. My favorite TV show would be Grey’s Anatomy.

Q: What are you most excited for at Rosary?

A: Red and Gold!!!!

Rosary is so lucky to have Ms. Rios on campus this year and we can’t wait to see what she has to offer. If you see her in the halls be sure to say hi and give her a warm welcome.