If I could, I’d hire Harry Styles as my teacher. Here’s why.

Harry Styles looking oh so Harry Styles.

Lianna Enright, Copy Editor

When you think of Harry Styles you probably think of the gorgeous man who does it all. Acting, singing, modeling, you name it. Although he seems to be the man who can do everything, could someone as perfect as Harry Styles possibly make a good teacher? I think he can, and here’s why.

1) There would be no issue with getting help.

Harry Styles is known by his large fan base as someone who is respectful and kind to everyone. He even has a song named after his catch phrase “treat people with kindness.” Harry would be one of those teachers you would have no problem going to for help, whether it’s academic help or life advice.

2) He would make it easy to pay attention in class.

I think we can all agree that Harry is one of the most beautiful creatures known to man. Needless to say, there would be no problem with paying attention. Not only would his breathtaking appearance captivate you and be able to hold your attention, even during our long 75 minute periods, but his natural charm and incredible sense of humor is guaranteed to grasp your attention, even at 8 a.m. I don’t think you could look away, even if you wanted to. The sparkling, emerald green eyes staring deep into your soul as the memorizing man in front of you explains something you may or may not care about, could make it nearly impossible.

3) He is an amazing writer.

If you have ever listened to any Harry Styles song, you know what I mean by this. I would know, I have his whole discography memorized word for word. Harry has lyrics that only his brain could come up with. His beautiful ballads never fail to make me cry, and his upbeat songs are my main source of motivation. His unmatchable writing skills qualify him to teach several subjects such as music and English.

4) He is easy to get along with.

Everyone knows it’s easier to learn from teachers that you like. If you can find one reason why you wouldn’t like Harry as a teacher, let me know because I genuinely tried thinking of one, and I simply couldn’t. He’s kind, respectful, handsome, talented, and so much more. What else could you possibly want?

After reading this, you’re probably crying about the fact that you’ll never be able to have Harry Styles as a teacher. Trust me, I am too. But let’s try to look at the positives in this time of unbearable grief and despair. Rosary Academy offers some of the best teachers I have ever had the opportunity to have. They may not be Harry Styles, but they’re almost a fair match.