Enter Mrs. Hathaway
You can’t tell me Anne Hathaway wouldn’t make a great teacher. I mean, she does crossword puzzles! (PC: @annehathaway on Instagram).
August 26, 2022
If I could hire Anne Hathaway to be my teacher, I would, and here’s why.
1. Anne Hathaway has a warm and graceful ‘vibe’ about her.
When a teacher and her space (in this case, a classroom), feel comforting, the learning experience is significantly enhanced. I personally feel like Anne Hathaway is capable of walking the line between warm, comforting teacher and authoritative figure, and that’s a characteristic I find successful teachers possess. She wouldn’t be a pushover per say, but extensions in her class are almost always a guarantee if valid reasoning is provided beforehand.

2. Anne Hathaway is a mom, and almost all of the time, mom teachers are compassionate teachers.
If I could rank all of my teachers on a compassionate-o-meter, I can promise you that those higher on the list are parents. Parents make great teachers because they have experience with youth and their behavioral patterns. Not only that, but I’ve watched a series of compilations concerning Anne Hathaway’s opinion on child-raising and her own children, and they’re all incredibly heartwarming (to say the least). Essentially, Anne Hathaway wouldn’t tell you to ‘excuse yourself’ if you’re crying in her classroom, but instead, would ask, ‘what’s wrong?’ and offer some form of a helping hand if you’re in need.
3. Anne Hathaway is an educated woman.
Not only is Anne Hathaway an NYU alumna, but she’s also socially educated. Now, her social intelligence has nothing to do with her political ideologies, but more with the fact that she utilizes her immense platform to speak out on social injustices, and encourages her audiences to vote and make their voices heard politically speaking. Any teacher who encourages her students to take advantage of their rights to vote and assemble for the common good is not only intelligent, but is socially educated, meaning that they are likely to help produce good citizens that will contribute to a functioning society.

4. Anne Hathaway does crossword puzzles.
Good teachers partake in simple, brain nourishing activities — it’s just what they do.
5. Anne Hathaway would rock a teacher outfit.
As far as Instagram is concerned, Anne Hathaway is already stunning in some classic teacher looks: white blouse under casual blazer with medium-wash straight-leg jeans, pastel blouse and light-wash skinny jeans, and one of my all time favorites: cute summer dress with light-wash jean jacket. Put her in a classroom, and it’ll be her runway – she’s good to go.
I think we can all agree, Anne Hathaway would be the world’s most charming teacher. She’s warm and fuzzy, compassionate, educated, and fun. What more could a student want?