Writing camp kids take over the Royal Reporter

Photo Credit: Daniela Arias '23

The writing camp kids are all smiles with their camp diplomas in hand.

Watch out Rosary, because the “Write On” camp kids are taking over the Royal Reporter!

Over the past four days, a group of nine young journalists teamed up with Rosary’s own Mr. Bravo to learn the ins and outs of journalistic writing.

In order to showcase what we learned over the past few days, we had the opportunity to catch up with a few of Rosary’s resident seniors and discuss their years at Rosary.

Annabella “Bella” Barretto ‘23 shared how it feels being an upperclasswomen and how her transition from junior to senior year is going so far: “It’s a lot of responsibility. The younger girls started looking up to me like a big sister and really seeking advice from me. I don’t want to graduate. I really just wish I could stay at Rosary forever, but I know I can’t. Even though I will miss Rosary, I’m excited for college, and I am going to try and salvage my last year and make it the best.”

Bella answers some questions given by Sean and Lizzie. (Photo Credit: Charlie Roman )

She went on to share what her favorite part of attending Rosary has been: “My favorite part of Rosary is definitely the all girls aspect. I came from a public school that was mostly boys, and I came into Rosary with no confidence, but the all girls aspect gives you a lot more confidence. I was able to finally grow in myself here.”

Alongside sharing her favorite aspects of Rosary, Bella also shared how she’s involved in the school: “I’m currently the athletic cabinet, varsity soccer goalie, NHS member, and a Rosary Ambassador Captain.”

Although Bella is very involved in the activities Rosary has to offer, she also revealed some of her favorite classes at Rosary and how they play into her future: “I would have to say my favorites are Anatomy and Physiology. I enjoy basically anything that deals with the body because I plan to go to college to study Anatomy/Physiology. I’m in between going to UCSD or Texas A & M to study that.”

Finally, Bella revealed to us what she would consider her favorite memory out of all her time at Rosary: “It would definitely have to be being a Red and Gold captain this year. I was the fashion captain for choral, and it really made me not only enjoy theater more but also have an overall greater appreciation for it.”

Like Bella, Kendall Clarida ‘23 gave us a look at what her favorite aspect of Rosary is: “It really does feel like a sisterhood. I feel like I’ve made connections here that I’ll have for the rest of my life whether it be with teachers or students.”

Kendall went on to share how she stays involved in the school: “Probably all the clubs offered. I’m a club leader of the Philosophy Club this year and it has allowed me a way of discussing anything with others.”

She also revealed how she enjoys the academics offered at Rosary too: “I would say my favorite would be English. I just feel like the staff and teachers here showed me how much I like to write and read literature.”

When discussing her final year at Rosary, Kendall gave us a glimpse of her future plans: “I would love to go to NYU. I want to major in Journalism, and they have a fantastic Journalism program at that school.”

A candid shot of the writing camp kids interviewing Kendall. (Photo Credit: Corinne Name )

Similarly to Bella, Kendall also claimed that Red and Gold was by far her favorite Rosary memory: “Probably Red and Gold. I know everyone says this, so it’s super cliché, but last year when I was finally an upperclasswomen, I felt like I got to fully understand the bond that Red and Gold offers amongst all grade levels.”

And, in classic writing camp kid style, resident jokester Sean ended the interview with one final question for Kendall. This question being what her favorite chips were. Kendall replied, “It sounds basic, but I would say Doritos”

It seems that Bella and Kendall have really enjoyed their years at Rosary and are looking forward to their final year as Royals. Like Bella and Kendall, the writing camp kids cannot wait to see what their future as writers has in store for them. Writing camp kids signing off!