Top five Mother’s Day gifts

We appreciate all mothers including Trinity’s mother who came to school to help her curl her hair. (Photo Credit: Elizabeth Martinez)

While Mother’s Day lingers around the corner, many students are scrambling to find out what gifts to make. Here are some gift ideas to help you meet the deadline to honor any mother or mother figure you have in your life!

Number One:

Starting off strong, a good idea would be to make a coupon jar or book. Each coupon is worth one hug, meal, etc. Senior Trinity Delacruz said, “I made my mom a coupon jar, and she still uses it to this day. She was so happy when she got this so I think I did a good job.”

Number Two:

An easier idea would be to get a charcuterie board. You can gift it brand new or stack it up with all her favorite snacks to make a great appetizer. Also, if you have a little more time, there are some places like Etsy where you can order a personalized board. You can customize it to have her name or photos to make it a bit more special.

Angelina Sances made this beautiful charcuterie board with her mom. For Mother’s Day she wants to buy her mom and new board and make a spread of her mom’s favorites. (Photo Provided by Angelina Sances)

Number Three:

You can never go wrong with classic flowers and a letter. Many moms love sharing their feelings, but most teens don’t like to share with their moms. A way to show your mom that you care is to write a letter and describe how much you care about her. Loving words will truly make your mom or mother figure’s day.

Number Four:

A homemade meal will allow your mother to know that she can be cared for as well. After all the meals she cooked for you, one meal will be a huge gesture to her. Angelina Sances ’23 said, “My mom is always cooking for me. I love cooking with her as well. For Mother’s Day I want to cook something for her.”

Number Five:

Videos of you and your family. You can create a small video telling her how much you care about her or make something she will enjoy. You can make it a collage of photos from when you were younger to add personalization. Senior Evelyn LeVecke is taking old tapes from when her siblings were younger and converting them to DVDs so that her mom can watch them whenever.

Evelyn and her mother hug eachother. Her mom still doesn’t know about Evelyn’s thoughtful gift. (Photo Provided by Evelyn LeVecke)

Overall, your mom will appreciate any gift you make her. Whether its bought or made she will love it as long as it comes from your heart.