Bored during spring break?
(Photo Provided by Emma Oskorus ’23)
Juniors Emma Oskorus, Reagan Beuerlein, and their friends carry on their tradition of taking a hike every Good Friday.
April 8, 2022
With spring break approaching next week, it is important to start planning all the fun things you want to do. However, many of you may be wondering, what can I even do? Even if you are not traveling outside of Orange County, like many other students, you can still have a fun and adventurous spring break. Keep reading to hear recommendations.
Every Good Friday during the break, my friends and I go on what we call the “Jesus hike.” This hike is located near the Santiago Retreat Center at Silverado Canyon. The hike has 14 different stops representing the 14 stations during Jesus’ crucifixion. At each station, there is a reading of what happened during each station. Once you get to the very top, there is one giant cross where many people take pictures and admire the beautiful view. Although the hike has a few hills, it is a great way to get some exercise during the break, and it is free. Who doesn’t love free things?
Servite junior Evan Ursua shares, “My favorite part about the hike was finally reaching the top of the hill with Jesus’ cross, and then seeing everyone gathered together was very nice.”
Another great idea is going to an Angel’s game. Baseball season is now in action, and going to a game with your friends can be something fun to do. Going to a game on Saturday night makes the experience 10 times better because after the game they have a firework show. In my opinion, it is better than Disneyland’s.
Reagan Beuerlein ’23 shares, “I love going to Angel Game’s. My friend group and I go occasionally during the season, and we always have the best time cheering with the crowd, eating food, and sometimes even watching the crazy fans scream funny comments to the players.”
If hiking and going to a baseball game does not really interest you, Colleen Schmitt ’23 recommends going down to Balboa Island. Colleen shares, “Balboa Island has literally everything. They have cute shops, good restaurants, and my favorite place, Dad’s Donut and Bakery Shop. They sell such good desserts, and my absolute favorite is the chocolate covered bananas.” Balboa Island is a typical place for teenagers to hang out, so if you’re ever bored during the break, make a trip down there.
Going into spring break with absolutely no money is the worst; however, you don’t need to spend money in order to have fun. Instead, go to the beach. Even if you do not like swimming in the ocean, you can tan, play volleyball with your friends, read, or just use it as an excuse to get some fresh air and go do something. I also recommend either going to a sunrise or sunset. If you are not a morning person, sunset is definitely the perfect thing to do. You can even get some cute Instagram pictures that you have been dying to take.
Briana Reyes ’24 shares, “The beach is definitely one of my favorite things to do especially during spring break. It makes it feel like summer, and it gives me a chance to fix my gross tan lines from soccer.”
As you can see, having the best spring break possible does not mean you have to go on a grand trip or spend lots of money. Finding something to do locally or even just having the company of your friends can allow you to have a memorable break.