The do’s and don’ts of dating a Servite boy

Alexa Barajas and her boyfriend Austin Rabago ’22 smile after Alexa convinced Austin to get a haircut. (Photo Provided by Alexa Barajas)

Kathleen Martinez, Staff Writer

Going to Rosary gives students the opportunity to form connections with our brother school. Some of those connections may form into a romantic relationship. While these relationships are great, there are a lot of unwritten rules to follow while dating a Servite boy. I have survived in a Rosary/Servite relationship, so I will give you some pointers.


Go to the football games and show your school spirit. It is a great idea to dress up for the themes of the asylum and cheer loudly and proudly for the team.


Go into the actual asylum. My boyfriend Jaden Mackowiak ’23 explained that the asylum is a “place for the brothers.” I asked to sit with my boyfriend once, but he told me that the brotherhood comes first. You can always talk to a Servite guy at halftime or somewhere else in the stands, but going into the asylum is a little too far.

My Jaden and I together after a football game (Kathleen did not go into the asylum). (Photo Provided by Kathleen Martinez)


Encourage their hairstyles.


Insult the buzz cuts (or friar cuts) that they insist on getting. Also, do not insult the “flow” or raggedy hairstyles they decide to wear. Alexa Barajas ’22 said, “One time I told my boyfriend it was time to get a haircut and he said that chopping his flow [cutting one’s hair] would mess up his game. But as a compromise, he said he would get a mullet. When I said I’d rather him keep the flow, he decided mullets were better.”


Go to their sporting events.


Talk poorly about how they played or ask what is happening during the game. Meredith Matevesco ’23 said, “Once I went to my boyfriends baseball game and I told him good job scoring. He got all mad and whined that it’s a hit not a score.”


Wear their school sweatshirts.


Take their favorite sweatshirt. Boyfriends give their girlfriends sweatshirts all the time, but if you take their favorite sweatshirt they become like a toddler constantly saying “its mine.” At least in my experience (or something similar).


Encourage your Servite boyfriend to enjoy the brotherhood. Try your best to be understanding and know that in the end, we are not that separate. As our brother school, they are a part of our family and community, so continue to respect their traditions as they respect ours. Hopefully, this gave you some advice on how to treat your Servite boyfriend.