St. Francis eighth grade retreat

Photo Provided by: servitehs Instagram

The Rosary group leaders and the St. Francis of Assisi students.

Colleen Schmitt, Staff Writer

On Wednesday, Mar. 16 St. Francis of Assisi School went to Servite for an all-day retreat specifically for eighth graders. The retreat helped them gain insight into what to expect when entering high school.


Rosary and Servite students from their Campus Ministry Programs helped lead this retreat. The day started off with fun games and activities so everyone was more comfortable with each other.


Many of the retreat student leaders gave talks about what to expect in high school and the struggles you may go through along the way. Sloane LaBrie ’22 shared her experience going into freshman year and her journey of finding friends. She struggled in the beginning to make friends and shared that now, as a senior, she has a solid group of friends she enjoys spending her time with.


Emma Oskorus ’23 gave a talk about the ups and downs of high school. Emma said: “I really enjoyed talking about the ups and downs of high school to the St. Francis eight graders. I think my talk had some good insight that I would have appreciated knowing going into high school.”


After every talk the students would get into small groups with a leader from either Rosary or Servite and answer reflection questions. Frida Gonzales ’22 a group leader shared: ” The retreat was so much fun. I am grateful I got to be a leader for the St. Francis students and help them on their spiritual journeys. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for them.”


The day ended with everyone gathering in the chapel for mass with Fr. Joe. Thank you to St. Francis of Assisi for joining Rosary and Servite students for this retreat and for making it a wonderful day.

The entire retreat group ending the day off with mass in the Servite chapel. (Photo Provided by: Colleen Schmitt)