Valentine’s Day according to Servite boys

(Photo taken from

Elias did not specify which Tiffany necklace he would gift, BUT if it’s something along the lines of this one—I am thoroughly impressed.

Daniela Arias, Assistant Editor-in-Chief

When I started writing this article, I was under the impression that Servite boys may not be super knowledgeable on knowing what gifts to give for Valentine’s Day. So, I decided to see for myself and really get the scoop on what they would consider to be the most “perfect” or “ideal” Valentine’s gift to give their special someone.


And lets just say…I’m pleasantly surprised.


Elias Guirado ‘23 discussed how he thinks showering his significant other with the finer things in life makes the most ideal Valentine’s Day gift: “I would get my S.O. a bouquet of roses, Ferrero Rocher’s, and a Tiffany necklace.”


Wow, I’m beyond impressed Elias! Changing it up from Elias’ response, junior Isaac Sanchez revealed that he believes a Valentine’s gift is perfect when it’s personal and sentimental: “The perfect gift is all dependent on your S.O.  Some people like things that other people don’t, so it’s all about knowing what they want and would appreciate.”


I second Issac’s notion, and Andrew Cagney ’23 seems to too with his very similar take on the “perfect” Valentine’s Day gift: “Any kind of gift would be ideal. I think the point of a Valentine’s gift is to make the other feel loved, whether that be with chocolate, candy, or a note.”


Josh didn’t explicitly say chocolate-dipped strawberries, but I’m just going to assume that’s what he meant… (Photo taken from Google Images via Creative Commons License)

Awww, how sweet. Speaking of sweet, Servite senior Joshua Patel shared how his spin on a Valentine’s Day gift would be sharing the gift of a super sweet treat: “I would probably say strawberries because they’re nice and simple.”


Like Josh, Ryan Gonzales ’23 also shared how his form of the perfect Valentine’s gift is simplistic yet classic: “The best gift would be one of those huge teddy bears and a bunch of candy.”


And lastly, Robert Ascencio ’23 talked about how his version of the “perfect” Valentine’s Day gift is through quality time: “Honestly the “ideal” Valentine’s Day gift for me wouldn’t be anything like a present or something. I think that the perfect gift is spending the day with your S.O. and doing the things you guys enjoy doing together.”


Like I said in the beginning, I was pleasantly surprised by every single one of these responses. Other girls from Rosary also shared similar thoughts of pleasant surprise with one of these students including senior  Evelyn LeVecke: “These responses are quite precious to say the least. I like how they were different, but most of them focused on how it depends on what your S.O. personally likes. These ideas are so cute and any girl they give these gifts to are very lucky.”


Look…I know I made my stance clear on giving stuffed animals for Valentine’s Day, but…this is a giant 48″ teddy bear. Kudos to Ryan for swaying my stance. (Photo taken from

Alongside Evelyn, Emma Oskorus ’23 and Elizabeth Martinez ’22 jointly shared how the replies exceeded their expectations too: “These ideas are super cute. They are simple, but they show the dedication they put into giving their S.O. a gift for Valentine’s Day. I assume any girl who would get any of these gifts would be very happy.”


Let me just say… I. Am. Impressed. The boys of Servite certainly proved that they know a thing or two on how to tackle and nail a Valentine’s Day gift.