It’s that time of the year again: dance proposals

(Photo Provided by Kathleen Martinez ’23)

Ava Bernard and her boyfriend, Richard Jamie, sophomore at Servite, smiling together after his proposal.

Emma Oskorus and Colleen Schmitt

Another dance is approaching, and you know what that means. Time for proposals! Rosary and Servite students are ready for the dance and over the past couple of weeks, there have been a number of different proposals.

Typically, Servite students ask Rosary girls. However, senior Evelyn LeVecke and junior Reagan Beuerlein decided to switch things up this year.

Evelyn shares, “I have already asked a guy to winter formal my sophomore year, so this year was nothing new for me. I actually find it more fun because I love being creative with my poster. This year, my colonial themed poster allowed me to put my American soldier costume to use. While I also had battle music playing in the background, my little sister marched back and forth in the background, which played a huge part in it. It was definitely one of my best proposals.”

If you are too nervous to ask the boy yourself, there is no need. Most of the time proposals are awkward if we’re being honest. In the end, all you have to do is walk up with a poster, give them a hug, take a quick picture, and bam, you’re done.

Reagan Beuerlein shares, “This was my first time asking a guy to winter formal. Because I am going with one of my best guy friends, I was not nervous at all. If you are too nervous to ask someone, my best advice is to have you ask with a friend. Sometimes asking in front of parents can be a little awkward. I had my two best friends with me, and it made it so much better.”

On the other hand, some Rosary students did not create their own proposals. Many Servite boys decided to go with the traditional route and ask the girl themselves.

Ava Bernard ‘24 shares, “My boyfriend is always very creative with his proposals. Obviously, I never get nervous when he asks me, but I always still get excited because I like to see what he comes up with in the end.”

For others, this is their first time being asked to a formal dance. Daleah Cardenas ‘25 shares, “I was not asked to homecoming, so this is officially my first time being asked to a dance. I am going with one of my closest guy friends; although, I was still a little nervous to be asked. I did not know what to expect, but I am excited and happy to go.”

If you have decided not to ask anyone to winter formal this year, maybe consider it next year. It is always fun to get creative. If you get nervous, don’t even worry. Either way, a proposal is bound to happen if you plan on going with someone. You may end up finding it super fun, and you don’t want to miss out on the experience.

Kathleen Martinez decided to surprise her boyfriend after baseball practice with an In-N-Out themed poster. (Photo Provided by Kathleen Martinez ’23)
Daleah Cardenas and Gunnar Costa pose together for their first formal dance proposal. (Photo Provided by Daleah Cardenas ’25)
Reagan Beuerlein created her poster based off of Servite junior Jack Boschetti’s favorite fast food place: Taco Bell.
(Photo Provided by Emma Oskorus ’23)
Evelyn LeVecke took the opportunity to put her colonial costume to use for her winter formal proposal.
(Photo Provided by Evelyn LeVecke ’22)