all for you – a letter to a lover

Rebecca Nassar, Contributor

my heart sinks like the titanic,

because i know you don’t notice me.

no, you notice me,

but you don’t see me,

and that’s what shatters me dear.

others say they would die for love,

but darling, i would live for an eternity if it meant i would be with you.

to you, i was inadequate and my hopes were just unplanted seeds.

but, like a baker loves their loaf, 

like an artist loves their art,

i’m in love with you.

so i stretch to the sun to reach you,

and melt under your gaze,

and just as icarus collapsed trying to reach the sun, i will crumble trying to reach you.

you, the person that’s makes me hate myself,

that makes me analyze my every move,

makes me question my every motive,

i love.

how could i ever love myself if you don’t love me?