Clash of the classes rivalries
Photo Provided by Colleen Schmitt ’23
The Senior class performed in their last Clash of the Classes.
November 11, 2021
This Wednesday, in the Karcher Center, Rosary Academy held their annual Clash of the Classes. It may seem like a fun tradition to all, but this event brings out a competitive character from each class. As each grade level has their eye on the prize, the spirit stick, class rivalries begin to form.
Juniors immediately think that Seniors will win due to “senior priorities.” Seniors do not see any grade level as a threat, but the Juniors are hungry for a win.
President of the class of 2023, Cadiz Salazar, shared: “I was so excited for Clash of the Classes this year. I did my best to put together a great performance, and in the end, everything worked out.”
The sophomores like to rival against the freshmen because they are the only class younger than them that they can pick on or “intimidate.” Sophomores put together a fun performance, but it did not take to the judges liking.
Brooke Skipton‘24 shared: “I was happy to make up a small routine for the Clash of the Classes, but I wish our whole class participated. It kind of makes it hard for us to seem ‘intimidating’ to the freshman when our whole class does not participate, but we tried our best.”
Finally, the freshman. Rivalries against the freshman—there is no such thing. They do their very best to put something fun together, but they are more nervous about the fact that they are performing in front of everyone.
Jillian DeVega ‘25 shared: “Clash of the Classes was an interesting experience. Our music kept stopping, and I had no idea what to do at that point. It was fun to perform, but sometimes it can be intimidating being the youngest class in the place.”
Class rivalries are not huge at Rosary, but everyone becomes competitive very easily. The term “class rivalry” is more of a friendly rivalry. No grade level is actually having a rivalry with one another, but it is fun to see everyone get so excited for such a fun tradition.

(Photo Provided by Colleen Schmitt’23)