Triathletes compete on Halloween

Photo Provided by Elena Walz

Kate Simmons, Elizabeth Harita, and Elena Walz smiling before they take of for the race.

Colleen Schmitt, Staff Writer

The Rosary Academy Triathlon Team had a race on Sunday, Oct. 31. Elena Walz ’22, Elizabeth Harita ’22, and Kate Simmons ’22 competed and were very successful.

The Royal triathletes competed in the Sprint distance triathlon, which is a 750 meter swim, a 20 kilometer bike ride, and a 5 kilometer run.

The race was sponsored by The Iron Bruins which is the UCLA triathlon team. This gave our Royals the opportunity to race against collegiate level athletes. Kate Simmons shared: “I was so excited when I passed a USC athlete right before the finish line.”

When asked about competing on Halloween, Elena Walz said: “Racing on Halloween was great because a ton of people wore costumes. On the run I passed a girl in a banana suit which was hilarious.”

All of the Royals who competed in the triathlon race did great. Elizabeth Harita placed third overall, Elena Walz placed thirteenth overall, and Kate Simmons placed thirty-third overall.

Elena Walz said: “The race went great! Unfortunately I had a rock in my shoe which was pretty painful during the run but it was a really fun race on a course that I really enjoy.”

Congratulations to the Rosary Academy Triathlon Team!

Elena Walz competing in the race. (Photo Provided by Elena Walz)