Parents and daughters united in Christ

Victoria Gomez ’23 and her family smile after a great mass. Photo provided by Victoria Gomez.

Kathleen Martinez, Staff Writer

This Wednesday, Oct. 27, there was a parent-daughter mass in the school chapel.

Many Royals woke up early and brought their parent to Mass at 7 a.m. to enjoy mass together. This mass is offered once a month on a Wednesday morning at Rosary.

Junior Victoria Gomez said: “I attended the family Mass because it had been a while since I attended a mass due to Covid. My mom, my sister, and I thought that it would be a great way to start our day and give thanks to God for all our blessings.” Victoria’s family truly was blessed for attending the mass.

While many could not want to sacrifice their time for the Mass, Victoria said it was worth losing sleep. She said, “It was awesome to hear a homily from Father Ian! The homily was about how a lot of our problems in life and faith stem from asking God the wrong questions which give us the wrong answers.” Victoria learned a lot about her faith at that moment. Likewise, other students and parents can learn about their faith at the next parent mass.

Father Ian presiding at a mass. Photo credit: Rosary Academy Website.

The mass is 45 minutes and is a great excuse for parents and their children to bond. Elena Walz ’22 shared, “I went with my mom and my dad because we haven’t gotten a chance to attend Mass at Rosary together in a while.”

Later, Elena said she wanted more people to attend the morning masses: “I recommend other students to go to the masses with their parents because it’s a nice way to start the morning as a family with God.”

The parent mass is the perfect opportunity to strengthen the family’s faith. The next parent mass is on Nov. 17, and there are no parent Masses in December. The rest of the Mass times are listed on the Rosary Website.