Red Ribbon Week
Photo Provided by: Colleen Schmitt ’23
Seniors Elena Navarro, Alinna Rivera, and Iliana Macias pose with their red bracelets to support no drug abuse.
October 29, 2021
This week, Rosary Academy prepared for Red Ribbon Week all throughout campus. From Tuesday to Friday, there was a theme each day dedicated to saying no to drugs.
Red Ribbon Week is not just about fun spirit wear and colorful posters put up all around campus. It is about campaigning for drug-abuse prevention.
Sophomore Briana Reyes, shares her opinion about Red Ribbon Week: “I think Red Ribbon Week is important because it promotes a serious subject that many people are deeply affected by.”
In past years, students used to receive red bracelets to wear around their wrist throughout the week and so on. Wearing the red bracelet is another way schools promote drug-abuse prevention. PAL members also made and printed out posters with facts about the danger of drugs and fun quotes to saying no to drugs.
PAL member, Amber Lizardi ’23, states, “I enjoyed making these posters for Red Ribbon Week because as a member of PAL, it is our job to bring awareness to certain topics that many people everywhere suffer from.”
Not only does Red Ribbon Week bring awareness to drug-abuse, but it also brings awareness to the harm of drunk driving. This is why it is important to understand why we campaign for Red Ribbon Week.