First tennis league match

The tennis team listens as Coach Simonton tells them their game plan for the match. Photo credit Tatum Larson.

Kathleen Martinez, Staff Writer

On Thursday, Oct. 23 the Rosary Tennis Team played Orange Lutheran high school in their first trinity league game. JV earned a victory with a score of 11 -7. Although Varsity did not win the match, they played very well.

The tennis team has been playing games and practicing since the beginning of the school year; however, this was their first actual league game. Gia Espejo, ’23, described the difference between league and regular games: “There is a huge difference between league games and non-league matches, I feel the competition is more significant since it’s only a few select of private schools in orange county.” League games are when specific schools compete against each other to try to win the league championship, which would then advance the team to the CIF Playoffs.

The team got a lot of encouragement from their coaches. Gia went on to say, “Coach Simonton and Mr. Bravo are big supports when the girls and I are deep into a match. They are always there watching us, supporting us, and telling us that we can do it. They are not so focused on how many games we win, but more on our effort to try to win.”

Luna Miranda, class of 2023, said: “The team we played was Orange Lutheran and they were pretty fair with points. At times there was disagreement when they would call the ball out even when it wasn’t but overall, it was a great game. JV won 11-7!”

Tennis players Faith Arcebal ’23 and Tatum Larson ’23 smile in their tennis uniforms. Photo provided by Tatum Larson.

Now that the league has started, they are working very hard to make it a great season. Rosary girls should come out and support the tennis team at their next game.