Electives That Just Didn’t Make the Cut
April 30, 2021
Rosary has a wide catalog of electives to offer, but did you know that almost every year, Rosary adjusts its available electives, depending on teacher availability and student interest.
But what about the electives that didn’t make the cut?
Back in 1999, Rosary offered an elective class called, “Cheese Making 101.” No one signed up for this class. Unfortunately, Rosary ordered several dozen gallons of milk in preparation for the class, and with no one making cheese, the milk spoiled and created a pungent odor that lasted months.

The odor from the failed cheese class milk was so revolting that school was canceled for a week.
In 1987, Rosary offered, “Intro to Cobbling.” This class was extremely popular, with girls taking the class as a way to save some money on prom shoes, and opting to make their prom heels in class. The faculty ultimately decided that this class was not necessary in the girls’ lives, because literally no one handmakes shoes anymore.
Many students were disheartened by this news, because the class had inspired them to pursue careers as cobblers. A petition to bring the class back circles around every few years.
“Ceramics But With Play-Doh” was proposed in 2007. The class was not offered in the end, because the faculty knew that someone would end up eating the Play-Doh and get sick.
As a former Play-Doh eater myself, I think this decision was probably for the best.
However, I do not agree with the decision to cancel the “Taylor Swift Lyrics Analysis” class. I think this class could have both mentally and academically benefitted the student body. It is an absolute tragedy that this class is not offered. Senior Kristina Enright could teach the class next year if she’s available.
On the topic of emotional healing, a class designed to help girls cope with the loss and lies of a “hiatus” by One Direction was proposed. The class was ultimately unavailable, because the entire staff was also hurt by this great loss, and having to teach a class on this triggering topic was just too much emotional baggage.
I am 100% kidding. Not about my thoughts on a Taylor Swift Lyrical Analysis class though, I’d give my left kidney to have a class for that.
In the meantime, choose your electives for the 2021-2022 school year Royals.
P.S. You should take journalism.