Royals Begin Driving

Photo Credit: Daniela Arias ’23

Anna smiles alongside her Ford Flex keys.

Daniela Arias, Staff Writer

With quarantine’s gift of extra time, multiple Royals have taken the opportunity to obtain their drivers’ licenses.

Among the Royals that have successfully received their licenses, Anna Jordan ’23 recently passed her driver’s test and described how it went: “My first test ended a bit too soon to a dangerous maneuver, but the second time around I managed to keep my driving perfect with only 4 mistakes!”

She further shared how rather than being nervous while driving, she instead was excited and found a “nice rhythm” which kept her comfortable and confident. Anna revealed some advice she would give soon-to-be drivers, “I would recommend practicing staying centered in your lane and making a good habit of traffic checks— that’s where most people lose points!.”

Alongside Anna, Charlotte Jordan ’23 also recently received her driver’s license. Despite only making five mistakes on her behind-the-wheel test, she expressed the nerves she felt when driving for the first time: “I was really nervous the first time I drove licensed, especially because it was also my first time driving alone and it was the same day I passed my test, but I caught the hang of it pretty quickly.”

Charlotte giddily poses with her driver’s permit in hand. (Photo Provided By: Charlotte Jordan ’23)

Charlotte went on to discuss how she would advise future drivers: “I would recommend a lot of practice and time behind-the-wheel. I would advise they take every chance they can to drive, even if it’s only a few minutes at a time.”

Another newly licensed Royal, Justine Avalos ’23, described how her behind-the-wheel test went, “My test went great, I got 1 wrong and it was only 10 minutes.”

With her test going well, Justine described how her nervousness was alleviated, and she instead felt enthusiastic towards the idea of newfound freedom. She further disclosed the advice she would give other soon-to-be drivers, “When you take your test think of it as any other time you are driving and do not let the nerves get to you!.”

Although driving may be intimidating, take it from these three Royals’ and acknowledge the fact that you can do it too!