3 New Electives Coming to Rosary Next School Year

Photo Credit: Daniela Arias '23

List of electives available for Royals’ next school year.

Daniela Arias, Staff Writer

Full descriptions of 4/5 of the new electives. (Photo Credit: Daniela Arias ’23 )

As we slowly approach the end of the 2020-2021 school year, we near the beginning of a new one.

With a fresh start to the 2021-2022 school year, fresh electives will also be coming to Rosary.

Sociology, one of the five new electives, is open to students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.

According to Ms. Hartman, the sociology elective familiarizes students with the problems present within other cultures and living groups by covering topics such as the nature of societal culture, subcultures, social institutions, collective behavior, social change, social deviation, the family, religion, racial and ethnic minorities, poverty, and crime.

Brianna Guzman ’23 revealed her curiosity about the elective: “I find the concept of the class so interesting with it revolving around teaching students about various cultures, social change, and issues going on in our society.”

Madeleine  Espinoza ’23 also shared how she feels towards the new Sociology elective: “It intrigues me because students will acquire the ability to learn about different racial minorities and problems with society today, which needs to be discussed with the new generation.”

Alongside Sociology, the Sports in History elective will also be available for 11th  and 12th-grade sports lovers. The Sports in History elective consists of examining the role of sports within the history of humanity by focusing on familiarizing students with the influence sports have on social, economic, cultural, and global political forces.

In addition to both the Sociology and Sports in History electives, Speech and Debate elective will be available to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. This course is perfect for students that want to improve their public speaking or who have a passion for debating. It will allow them to focus on the fundamentals of public speaking and debating while simultaneously increasing poise and self-confidence.

Sabrina Piazza ’23 expressed why she believes the Speech and Debate course is beneficial: “I believe it will effectively help me and other girls develop excellent speaking and argumentative skills, which will help prepare me later in life.”

With just a brief description of these three electives, Royals’ are growing excited to pursue these electives and eager to kick off the fresh 2021-2022 school year.