Lauren and the National Children’s Chorus
Photo provided By Lauren Cottrell.
Lauren getting ready to perform at the Disney Concert Hall when she was eleven.
February 17, 2021
Who knew our beloved and multitalented junior, Lauren Cottrell’ 21, can not only dance, swim, ride with the Triathlon Team, juggle multiple AP classes, be the president of Project Linus Club, and sing? Well, folks, she has outdone herself once again. A few days ago, Lauren mentioned being on a ‘choir team’ to Ms. Barclay’ 94, and Ms. Barclay told this intriguing news to the Journalism Team — who just had to get the scoop. And so, I am here today to delve into one of Lauren Cottrell’s many extracurricular activities and give her the props she deserves for blessing our ears with her wonderful singing voice.
Lauren has been on the National Children’s Chorus for seven years now. This arts organization is one of few in America to have its concert series presented in professional music halls with some of the finest conductors, composers, and orchestras from around the world. Lauren shared her experience with first joining and said, “I joined when I was eleven years old, and I was in the Premier Ensemble, the second-highest level in the senior division. Then, I was moved to the scholar’s division when I started high school. This is the highest level, and it’s more of a college-prep level.”

Clearly, Lauren is a very talented singer, but she is also a musician and is skilled in musical theory. Lauren practices skills such as sight-reading and music theory every week and explained how practices within the choir work, “We have rehearsal every Sunday from 1:00-3:00 pm. Everyone has a scheduled private lesson with their conductor as well, and mine is on Tuesdays. I have a music theory class on Tuesdays as well, those take place later at night,” she shared.
Being on the National Children’s Chorus for a long amount of time, Lauren has made some amazing memories. Her voice has even taken her to different parts of the world, and she recounted one of her favorite (and quite impressive) memories of her time on the team, “One of my favorite memories would be performing at the Korean DMZ with the South Korean Linden Baum Orchestra. Although we could not understand each other’s languages, we bonded through music and it was an incredibly unifying experience,” she said.

While being in high school, keeping track of work and various extracurricular activities can be difficult. Lauren does an exceptional job of balancing her responsibilities such as school, sports, and the National Children’s Chorus with her social life and free time by keeping track of her responsibilities through planning and being organized with her work.
After speaking with Lauren and doing some research on the National Children’s Chorus, the many talented young children and teens participating in this organization are doing a great job of bringing the world together through artistic expression and music. Recently, the National Children’s Chorus performed their Winter Digital Concert, “Nella Fantasia,” along with their Junior Division Winter Digital Showcase. Both of these videos will be linked down below, and if you enjoy watching them, the Spring Showcase will take place on June 25, 2021.
“Nella Fantasia” Winter Digital Concert: NCC “Nella Fantasia” Winter Digital Concert
Junior Division Winter Digital Showcase: NCC Junior Division Winter Showcase