First-Time Red and Gold Captains

Photo Provided By: Emma Silva '23

Emma Silva ’23 posing alongside fellow gold team captains.

Daniela Arias, Staff Writer

Red and Gold season has just begun, and despite the circumstances we are currently under, captains are working towards making this Red and Gold as amazing as it can possibly be.

Although some aspects of Red and Gold are modified this year due to the pandemic, first-time captains are still maintaining their excitement towards being involved in the school-wide event.

First-time choral captain Kate Rosales ’23 vocalized what she enjoys most about her position: “Being a captain my first-year choral is great because it’s a small amount of committed girls, so it’s a good introduction to a leadership position within Red and Gold.”

First-time choral captain, Kate Rosales ’23, strikes a pose in her gold team kick off apparel. (Photo Credits: Kate Rosales ’23 )

She went on to say what advice she would give to first-time captains next year: “I think they should meet the girls who want to do choral, and get to know them while practicing the songs! I’d also add to read all the emails and prepare for everything the best you can. Meetings are kind of confusing if you don’t talk to your fellow specific category captains.

Alongside Kate, Emma Silva ‘23 is also a first-time script captain for this year’s Red and Gold production. Emma expressed what she enjoys most about being a script captain: “I love it! There was so much creative freedom, and it’s been so fun to be around the drama category. I think the partnership with my fellow captain has been my favorite. It was nice to have another person to bounce ideas and jokes off of. I could have never done it without her.”

Emma went on to further discuss what advice she would provide future first-time captains sharing, “Teamwork makes the dream work!! Listen to your fellow captains and producers. They probably have a lot of great ideas. Communication is key to having a good show.”

Though it may be difficult to remain positive in times like these, we must look up to the positivity of the Red and Gold captains and embrace the joy and school spirit the production spreads.