Life on the Royal Reporter
October 13, 2020
As the new school year rolls on, the Royal Reporter shares the scoop on all things Rosary. With fifteen writers on the staff this year, the school newspaper/blog or “nog,” as Ms. Barclay, the adviser, calls it, publishes brand new articles on its website every week.
Being on the Royal Reporter calls for several qualities, including a love for writing, a sharp eye for grammar and spelling, and a willingness to share the truth.
The Royal Reporter staff starts the week with a brainstorm session. The girls share new ideas for possible articles for the week. Ideas can range from recipes, to fashion, to new teachers, to current events.
Adriana Arroyo ’23, Royal Reporter staff writer said, “Brainstorm sessions are my favorite part of the week. We have a lot of fun spewing out ideas. It’s sort of our no-judgement zone. Doing it with a lot of people helps inspire more ideas, and I think we wouldn’t have half of the articles we do if not for these sessions.”

Once Mrs. Barclay approves the writer’s ideas, the writing process begins. The writers spend their week gathering quotes, pictures, and information for their new article. The girls must make sure any pictures they get from the internet aren’t copyrighted, and remember to give photo credit to everyone they get their pictures from.
When asked about how she writes her articles, Daniela Arias ’23 said, “For me, the hardest part is getting those first few sentences down. Once I finish those, the rest just flows out. I always make sure to go over my article a couple of times to save my editor from finding thousands of typos.”
Once the writing process is over, the editing begins. The girls put their articles in their respective editors’ OneNote folders.
Royal Reporter editor Anna DiCrisi ’22 said the following on what she does as an editor: “Apart from writing our own articles every week, we help two to three of our classmates with theirs. When their first draft is finished, the editors go through and help them fix grammar, structure, and any other areas that could improve the article. I personally love being an editor because it gives me the opportunity to look at others’ writing as well as my own with a critical eye, and I get to get to help my classmates.”
Once the editors make sure the articles are perfect, the writers put their articles on the Royal Reporter as a draft for Mrs. Barclay to give one final look over before it is published. Once Mrs. Barclay gives the “OK”, the girls publish their articles on the Royal Reporter website, and the process begins again.
Although being on the Royal Reporter calls for lots of dedication, all of the girls would agree that they have lots of fun and wouldn’t have it any other way.