Introducing the Thespian Board Members for Troupe 4566

Photo Provided by Alicia Dofelmier

Madame President, Claire Early ’21

Alicia Dofelmier, Contributor

This is the inaugural year of Trinitas Arts Conservatory, also known as TAC, and with it comes brand new Thespian Board Members for Troupe 4566.  The Thespian Board Members are the face of Troupe 4566 so the Royal Reporter would like to introduce them to you.

First up, as President, is Claire Early ‘21–one of the most vivacious royals that you will find on Campus. Sam George, ‘21 is the Board’s Vice President, and he describes himself as communicative and inclusive. Moving on to Secretary, we have Luke Mendoza ‘21 who is patient and understanding. Next, is Ryan Bass ‘21 who is the Board’s Community Service and Fundraising Officer. Anyone who knows Ryan knows how bubbly and friendly he is to anyone he meets. Katie Thomas, ‘22 is the Communications officer and is someone who is welcoming as well as being an amazing dancer. The Rosary Member at Large is Anna DiCrisi ‘22 who is a passionate and extremely loving Royal. Adrian Delgado, is the Servite Member at Large, and he describes himself as laidback and optimistic. Last, but certainly not least is Bridgette Sanders ‘21 who is the Board’s historian and one of the most optimistic and friendly Royals on campus.

Ryan Bass, Community Service and Fundraising Officer for Thespian Troupe 4566. (Photo Provided by Alicia Dofelmier)

The Thespian Board for Troupe 4566 works tirelessly to prepare, plan, and execute the monthly Thespian meetings. In addition, they plan service projects and the much anticipated Halloween and Christmas parties which are Brianna Dreyer’s ‘22 favorite part of being a part of Troupe 4566. When asked what he thinks of the Board, Mr. Marrone, TAC’s Executive Director says, “Despite having to modify our meetings and activities for the 2020-2021 school year, there are no limits to the great ideas, energy, and optimism that is shared by this years’ Thespian Board Members. Their communication has been excellent, and I am confident this year will bring new traditions that will stick around for a long time to come!”

With a Board made up of such talented, committed, and kind people, Thespian Troupe 4566 is sure to do amazing things this year.