First Week of Red and Gold

Gold drill captain Emma Oskorus teaches her drill to her Rosary sisters. (Photo provided by Molly Muse)

Kathleen Martinez and Victoria Gomez

Red and Gold is in full swing with the first full week of flex beginning this week. We had the opportunity to interview Royals from different categories to hear some of their thoughts on the first official week of Red and Gold. 

Red team head producer Reagan Beuerlein ‘23 shared, “So far, flex has been AMAZING!! It’s literally my favorite part of the day. My captains have been working extremely hard, and I could not be prouder. Seeing them with their girls showing them everything they have been preparing for is my favorite part. I feel like a proud mom.” 

She continued, “It is just crazy to think that this is my last Red and Gold because I love everything about it, and I know I will have major fomo this time next year. But I am soaking in each and every moment, and I CANNOT wait to show everyone our show. GO RED!!!”

Red drill working hard to learn the motions. (Photo provided by Molly Muse)

Alexandra Bohn ‘23 also shared her excitement as a captain: “As a gold drama captain, I am already extremely proud of my drama girls. We’re already way farther along in the process than I thought we would be, and I’m so excited for it to all come together! Being a captain is definitely an interesting experience, but I know I’ll cherish it forever.”

Fellow gold team captain Layla Langrell ‘23 said, “My first kick-off as a captain was so much fun. I loved staying up all night and getting to show off my drill. I am super excited to see the final product of the shows and display all of our hard work. This first week is going better than expected and has been so much fun!”

Gold choral is hard at work. (Photo provided by Daniella Aries)

Finally, red dance captain Mallory Ye ‘24 revealed, “So far, I’m really enjoying the Red and God season. I love teaching my dance to the girls, and they seem to be picking up really well and fast. I absolutely love Red and Gold, and I can’t wait to finish my dance, so that I can see the final product!”

Overall, this first week has shown how talented the Red and Gold students and captains are. We can’t wait to see how the productions turnout.