Father Ian returns from mission trips

Father Ian is back and ready for another exciting year at Rosary. (Photo Provided by: Mrs. Kerns)

Kathleen Martinez, Staff Writer

Rosary’s Chaplain Father Ian left during the summer on a series of mission appeals for the ministry of The Disciples of Mary of the Philipines. He traveled throughout the states and spent his last few weeks in the Philippines. Father Ian went to many interesting places including Wisconsin, New Jersey, and the Philippines, where he preached about his mission appeal and asked for donations for the ministry in the Philippines.

A mission appeal is when a priest visits to ask for donations to support a certain group or parish. In Father Ian’s case, the donations helped support the ministry of The Disciples of Mary of the Philippines. The Disciples of Mary of the Philippines’ mission is to bring youth closer to God, and the donations they receive go directly to parishes for programs like retreats, youth leaders, and expansion of ministries. If you want to donate or learn more, visit MISSION APPEAL (alagadnimaria.org) for more information.

Photo of Father Ian during his mission trip. (Photo taken from alagadnimaria.org)

Although Father Ian was on a spiritual trip, he was able to spend time with his family while in the Philippines. He said, “My favorite part of the trip was seeing my mom and 21 nephews and nieces. I also gave them each a pair of different colored crocs to try out. It made me happy to see their bright crocs across the room.” He also mentioned that he was able to celebrate his 19 years as a priest with his family.

Now that he’s back on campus, Father Ian said he will be here every Tuesday and Wednesday to celebrate Mass. Additionally, he offers confessions or spiritual guidance to anyone who wants to meet with him. To set up a meeting or confession time, students can talk to Mrs. Kerns or come to the campus ministry office for more assistance.

After a long time away, Father Ian is excited to return to Rosary for his fifth year as Chaplain. As a reminder, Father Ian is always happy to offer wisdom or guidance the to any student who asks. Rosary students are excited to have Father Ian back on campus.