Ladies and gentlemen…Club Rush 2021

From left to right: Giovana Watson ’22, Savannah Kondo ’22, Sophia Kondo ’22, Katie Thomas ’22, and Danielle Perez ’22 posing by the Disney Club table! Photo Credit: Natalie Kim

Mary Nassar and Isabelle Brookshire

Hi readers. This is Isabelle and Mary, reporting LIVE from their desks at home. Today, we’re going to be reviewing CLUB RUSH 2021!!!

The Freshmen Experience

This Club Rush was the first one in a few years for the upperclassmen and was the first one ever for the freshmen. Rebecca Nassar ’25 enjoyed the chaos and bustle of learning about the new clubs and eating all the candy and snacks provided by the clubs. She described the experience of her first club rush and why she’s looking forward to joining clubs this year: “It was great to see all the amazing clubs that are offered at Rosary. I’m really excited to get more involved with my school!” She also shared what club she’s most looking forward to joining: “I’m most excited about the Royal Poets Society, which my sister is president of. I love reading and creative writing, so this club seems like a good fit for me!”

The Sophomore Experience

For some sophomores, it was also their first in person club rush experience. Mandy Puga ’24 expressed her thoughts on her first club rush: “I have never been to club rush before, so I was definitely excited to see what is was all about. It is called club RUSH for a reason. With all the fun, new, and interesting clubs on campus, all presidents of each club called me over and talked to me about their club. I had such a fun time at club rush!”

The Junior Experience

For the juniors, club rush was an exciting time to get more involved on Rosary’s campus, and for the club presidents in the class, it was a perfect time to represent their clubs! Daniela Arias ’23, President of the Royal Life Skills 101 club, shared her thoughts on sharing her new club with the Rosary campus: “It was definitely exciting to tell people about my club, Royal Life Skills 101, and encourage them to join. The gym was really lively with people scouring the tables and looking for potential clubs to join. It was nice to see such a tight knit community of all the club presidents and people that wanted to help them out with their club.”

The Senior Experience

As for the seniors who have experienced three years of club rush–of course, with the exception of last year, which came exclusively in video form–they have lots to say. Sophia Kondo ‘22 stated: “I think we had a very successful club rush this year, and I was really impressed by the amount of new clubs there were!” In addition to the overview of the event, Sophia, who is part of the board of three separate clubs, said: “Personally, we were really pleased with the turnout, especially the Disney Club, since we have plenty of new members. I think after a year of not being able to do much, more students want to get as involved as they can, which is great!” For many, this year’s club rush is the first to many, including both the freshmen and sophomore classes. In addition, the Karcher Center was packed with seniors who wanted to get back into running and joining clubs again.

Rosary is alive with spirit and energy as Royals delve into their passions and interests through the myriad of clubs available on campus!