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The student news site of Rosary Academy

The Royal Reporter

The student news site of Rosary Academy

The Royal Reporter

The student news site of Rosary Academy

The Royal Reporter

Sarah Conley

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer

Sarah is a sophomore at Rosary Academy and is delighted to be joining the Royal Reporter for her first year! On campus, Sarah is a part of Rosary Academy’s Ambassadors program, CSF, and music ministry. She also plays for the softball team. Outside of her school commitments, she is a member of NCL and plays club soccer. Some of Sarah’s hobbies include singing, writing, playing music, shopping, reading, and traveling. She has a deep passion for music and when she is not writing for the Royal Reporter, she is composing her own music! Sarah is motivated to contribute her creativity to the Royal Reporter and can’t wait to take on the year.

All content by Sarah Conley
Get you Galentine's Grams soon.

Galentine’s Grams for sale

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
February 7, 2025
Asking teachers for tips and help is always beneficial for every student.

Teacher’s tips for college

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
January 31, 2025
Parents get to enjoy custom Rosary glasses during Red Wine & Gold and even get to keep them after the event.

Red Wine & Gold

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
January 16, 2025
Christmas tress always encapsulate holiday cheer.

Christmas in the classroom

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
December 6, 2024
Here is a picture from a previous Red, Wine & Gold as parents enjoyed the wines and special Rosary glasses.

Cheers to Red, Wine & Gold

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
November 21, 2024
Here is a shadow day flyer showing some of the dates included in the article.

Calling all shadows

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
November 14, 2024
Here are Rosary and Servite seniors getting ready to show off their fashionable outfits before the show.

Rockin’ Servite’s runway

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
November 7, 2024
This is the one of the flyers for the Day of Giving.

Rosary’s Day of Giving

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
October 17, 2024
Here is Mrs. Flores enjoying the snow.

Introducing Mrs. Flores

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
October 10, 2024
Our Lady of the Rosary, whom we honor during Rosary Day.

The meaning of Rosary Day

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
September 27, 2024
Parents enjoying the "heads or tails" game at Cracked Crab!

Until next time, Cracked Crab

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Podcast Editor
September 19, 2024
Here is a cute example of what to wear to the football game.

What to wear to this Friday’s football game: USA edition

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
September 12, 2024
Here is Ms. Williams on the first day of school!

Welcome Ms. Williams!

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
September 6, 2024
Charlie looks ready to take on the day with her student ID.

Back to school necessities

Sarah Conley, Staff Writer, Photographer
August 30, 2024
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