On Tuesday, Jan. 16, Rosary’s Academic Decathlon team had their first competition at Rosary Academy from 3-4 p.m. The “AcaDeca” students wore formal business attire and competed in a writing assessment after many meetings and hours of studying.
Decathlon (also known as AcaDeca), is an academic competition schools compete in to win academic achievement awards. Students are given a theme every year and are required to study a variety of subjects. Some examples are: Music, Literature, various branches of Science, and Economics.
Students are tested and asked to successfully complete exams, present speeches, write assessments, and more.
In this assessment, students were given three prompts to choose from, categorized in Social Studies, Literature and Science. Royals were given 60 minutes to complete an essay on the chosen prompt.

Before beginning, Royals said a prayer and wished each other luck before beginning the competition.
Junior Madeline Lawrence commented on the competition: “I was kind of nervous going into the competition, but after I started, it wasn’t too bad! I feel like we prepared well.”
Club moderator and Science teacher, Dr. Parmar also commented on the competition saying he is “proud of our students” and “grateful for the dedication shown by our decathletes.”
Overall, Royals were well equipped and are now preparing for their next competition in the two weeks. We wish them luck in their studying. Go Academic Decathletes!