Photo Taken From Google via Creative Commons License Edited By Brigid LeVecke '26
The winter sports team made a huge impact on these families this Christmas.
During this holiday season, our winter sports teams have been helping to collect toys for the Crittenton Christmas Angel Tree Project. Each sport has sponsored one family to help get gifts for their children and assist in bringing joy to all their families this Christmas! I have had the opportunity to ask some of the players and coaches what they thought about this project.
As a basketball player myself, I thought this idea of helping families in need was the perfect way to show our love to everyone this holiday season. Our coach, Mr. Aragon, gladly stated how he felt about this project, “I was nervous because I wasn’t sure how the team would react to the project, but I was humbled and proud of how the team worked hard to bring the items for this incredible project. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and seeing the girls buy into serving others. It definetely made our team stronger as they united to make sure others around us have a good Christmas.”
Freshman wrestling star Hailey Huerta said, “My sister and I bought two gifts for this project. Hopefully these toys will bring joy to a kid in need this Christmas. We have been donating toys or adopting a family for many years to make Christmas extra special. Doing this makes me feel happy, and joyful to spread the Christmas cheer.”

Emily Diep ‘26 is making the most out of this project this Christmas season. She expressed, “This project was so smart and easy. Just the thought of knowing that these gifts will make little kids smile on Christmas day warms my heart. The team definitely grew closer together and now we are ready to take on this season.”
Water polo player and Triathlon athlete Olivia O’Day ‘26 cheerfully announced on behalf of both water polo and triathlon, “I loved this project! It brought our team closer together and we all know that we did something good. You feel very good about yourself to know that you made someone’s day. We are all very fortunate, so helping people in need makes all of our hearts very happy.”
We thank all the winter sports teams for their generosity to help spread Christmas cheer. We hope everyone has a great break and a very Merry Christmas!