My “stupid blue suit” theory

Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan

Chris Rock was wearing a stupid blue suit when he was famously slapped… coincidence??

In the past few weeks, there have been several Hollywood award ceremonies and premiers preceded by

Chris Evans wore the stupid blue suit before it was stupid. (Photo Taken from Google Images)

red carpets, including the Golden Globes, the Critics Choice Awards, and several big-budget movie premiers. As someone who is a little too invested in celebrity fashion, I naturally made sure I saw every single look from each event. After parsing through the dozens of celebrity outfits, I realized I was starting to see a repeat in the male fashion department: a dark blue suit with black lapels.

I don’t particularly like this suit, I think it looks kind of tacky, and I consider the peak of its existence to be when Chris Evans somehow managed to make it look dashing at the 2017 Oscars. Once I remembered Chris Evans’s wearing of this suit, I started to realized how often I had seen this suit over the past several years; I began to spiral, contemplating the sheer magnitude of this paradigm of mediocrity, beginning to resent this mostly-blue lack of stylist creativity.

I have come to develop my “Stupid Blue Suit” Theory: it’s a cop-out for male celebrities to avoid criticism of fashion lameness while doing the absolute bare minimum and contributing nothing to pop culture, which is pretty much the job of a celebrity.

The grip this suit has on men’s fashion is atrocious. (Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan)

The stupid blue suit has been worn before Chris Evans, but I consider that 2017 Oscars look to be the

The stupid blue suit is an epidemic that must be stopped. (Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan)

moment of its popularization and the best iteration of this specific ensemble. Since that point, every reappearance of the suit has felt like a cheap knock-off, an arrow aimed at James Bond that landed in Pat Sajak.

I believe that, in order to avoid complaints from viewers and critics about men always wearing plain black tuxes, these men opt for the stupid blue suit—not technically basic, but certainly not original; with the stupid blue suit, these men can ride off the “Well, at least it’s not a plain black suit” comments without having to push any boundaries, risk any criticism, or end up on a “worst-dressed” list. I completely resent this cowardice, as I feel that, if you have the bank to go big and pull from an endless amount of fashion archives and collections, it is your obligation as a public figure to do so. Don’t be lame, use that money to look cool!

Even celebrities as beloved as these have fallen victim to the stupid blue suit. (Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan)

I have seen iterations of the stupid blue suit done right, so to all the male celebrities that are definitely reading this Royal Reporter article, if we must continue this color scheme and placement, take notes from these looks.

The stupid blue suit can be un-stupified, and these looks are evidence. (Photo Credit: Charlotte Jordan)

I’m all for self-expression through fashion and, ultimately, if you like the stupid blue suit and want to wear it, all power to you. However, I can’t guarantee I won’t be stewing in the corner, silently cursing whoever designed the prototypical stupid blue suit.