Rainy SoCal – a collection of haikus

Layla Valenzuela, Copy Editor

The past few weeks of near-constant rain in Southern California have had Royals shaken up. Along with my thoughts, I’ve asked a few Royals for their responses regarding how they feel about this dreadful weather…. in Haiku format. Here are their responses:


A dramatic retelling of my experience climbing the stairs:

A puddle gathers

In a pile on the floor

Boom! Crash! I slipped. Again.


Mom, take this as a sign to Apple Pay me some spending money:

This is practically the Rosary parking lot. (Photo taken from Google Images via Creative Commons License. )

I need to buy boots

Day by day, my soaked shoes say:

“You need to buy boots.”


Here’s something a bit more dramatic- please be safe on the freeway:

I’m scared. I won’t drive.

The roads are damp- please! I’m scared

of Hydroplaning.


Where were you when we experienced snow at school for the first time?:

The day was March 1st

I dashed outside; Could it be?

Yes! Snow in SoCal.


Most Royals feel this way. Poor Lianna. (Photo Provided by Lianna Enright ’24.)

Ally Lillestol ’23 has some adverse feelings about going to school in the rain:

“Flare leggings fail me

My legs fight against the cold

Please let me go home.”


On the other hand, the rain has inspired Senior Alexandra Bohn‘s poetic talent:

“Heaven weeps above

Cold air crisp on my pink cheeks

Rain is much beloved.”


Kathleen Martinez ’23 recalls her experience practicing her Red and Gold drill on the wet lawn:

“Sweat covers my neck

My feet slip on the wet grass

I fly in the air.”


That’s all! If the rain is bumming you out, try writing a Haiku about your feelings- it’s extremely therapeutic. Please dress warmly, bring an umbrella, and don’t let the rain ruin your hair!