It’s Time For the Official YA Dystopia/Fantasy Franchise Ranking

The Maze Runner is one of the many enticing dystopian novels in young adult fiction— but is it the best?
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“The Maze Runner” is one of the many enticing dystopian novels in young adult fiction— but is it the best? Photo location:

I am nothing if not completely obsessed with almost every piece of young adult fiction I can get my hands on– most of the time the books and movies are objectively bad, and yet I eat that content up like it’s my first meal in weeks. Though the lines between these novels and movies tend to blur, I have identified what I believe to be the five most popular dystopian/fantasy novel-to-movie adaptations that live rent-free in my head.

I wish I was kidding, but my personality can be traced back to these five series at minimum; however, something must be done. In order to further understand the cultural implications of these movies among society, I must delve into the leaders of the dystopian revolution in which the young adult genre thrives.

After careful and intricate deliberation, I have produced what I believe to be an accurate comparison of the installments within each dystopian franchise.
Photo by Anna Jordan

Following my individual ranking, I calculated the averages of the franchises in order to settle upon conglomerate rankings:

1. “The Hunger Games”

With each installment highlighting different aspects of warfare, the audience watches the rebellion unfold through the catalyst herself. As survival, strategy, politics, and reformation occur, Katniss fights to achieve a society she once thought impossible as the symbol of revolution; however, she’ll have to face the consequences of waging war in a corrupt and indoctrinated system of social order. The performances are impeccable, and the social commentary remains relevant to each reader.

2. “The Maze Runner”

Originally derived from the classic novel, “Lord of the Flies,” this franchise harbors unmatchable characterization, above-and-beyond performances, and truly unforgettable action sequences. These movies are addicting and charming, and the novels are even better.

3. “Harry Potter”

Obviously a staple in fantasy, this franchise revolutionized young adult fiction forever. The characters are consistent and lovable, the storytelling is unique, and the word-building is practically unheard of. No one will ever forget this series, a true testament to its influence within pop culture.

4. “Twilight”

I can admit this choice is polarizing– dare I say it, offensive to young adult as a genre. However, this series revolutionized romance in fantasy writing forever, whether it was for the better or not. Regardless of your opinion on the plot, characters, or performances, two things remain untouchable: the artful soundtracks of all five movies (though mostly the first two) and the trademark dreary coloring of the Pacific Northwest making an appearance in each movie like a recurring character.

5. “Divergent”

I won’t lie, I’ve never seen the last two movies. Don’t get me wrong, I read the last two books– but that’s mainly why I haven’t seen the second and third installments. Though the premise and execution of furthering the plot are flawed, the first movie is undeniably charming and entertaining. For some reason, I feel like watching it all the time, even though I never plan on watching the other two. It is certainly a staple in YA fiction, however I just pretend it’s a standalone work and call it a day.

All opinions are valid in a place such as literature, so by all means, agree or disagree my individual or conglomerate rankings. Emma Silva ’23 definitely harbors her own opinion, stating, “In what world is “Twilight” not at the top. I’m dead serious, this will have serious implications on the ways in which I interact with you for years to come.” Passionate opinions aside, each series brings something different and exciting to the table, and as an avid reader ad movie-lover, I can’t wait for more franchises to enter the playing field as the young adult genre expands with each passing year.